• B&Z Manufacturing Today
    Located in a modern 18,000 square foot
    facility in the heart of San Jose's
    business industry with another 6,000
    square foot facility in Nashville, Arkansas.
  • B&Z Manufacturing ~30 Years Ago
    We have come a long way in modernization
    and innovation over the years. Along with
    over 50 years of experience, we pride
    ourselves with being at the forefront
    of machining technology.

About B&Z Manufacturing

Since 1960, B&Z Manufacturing has been machining ultra precision components for San Francisco Bay Area companies such as Agilent Technologies, Hewlett-Packard, Honeywell-Measurex, and others. We specialize in multi-axis milling and turning and are ISO 9001:2008 registered by DQS-UL Management Systems Solutions. B&Z is a clean, modern, temperature controlled, 24,000 square foot high-tech manufacturing facility. Through many years of experience, our quality and "just-in-time" delivery has gained us recognition in the electronic, aerospace, medical, military, and computer industries.

We added a new facility in Nashville, Arkansas in 2006. This new facility is currently 6,000 square feet and growing fast. As an alternative to sending work overseas, B&Z has chosen to maintain its quality workmanship by opening up another facility in a less expensive part of the United States.

Remaining high-tech after all these years is our key to success. Our capabilities include 4 and 5 axis machines, high production pallet changers, internal electronic probing on machines, 3 Zeiss CMMs to ensure repeatable quality, and communication convenience with the ability to start with purchase orders, program/run parts, and invoice from electronic files via the internet.